One of my favorite OER resources is the Norton Field Guide to Writing. For some awesome reason, Norton has decided to put their entire $80 textbook online for anyone to use. If all of my students had iPads, this is the text I would choose to use. I created my OER WR95 Hybrid course around this resource along with Charles Darling's Guide to Grammar and Writing.
One of my favorite parts of the Field Guide is the handbook section, which contains many short quizzes on a variety of topics such as prepositions, sentence structure and verb tense. I use these for practices in preparation for in class quizzes. Just one example of how I use OERs to differentiate how I deliver curriculum and help my students to vary the way in which they encode and study the curriculum.
Jared - I enjoyed learning about the Norton resource. Wow. Then students can save the link and keep using it after they have left the class. Cathy L